quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

I love making lists and any excuse for a new I 'm using ! We will work to :

1. Refresh the series that used to accompany and start watching new .

2 . Watch movies that I accumulated in my list ( do corujão movies) .

3 . Sleeping in the morning because I spent the night watching movies and wake up in the afternoon ( delight .

4 . Going to the movies in the afternoon ( is empty) .

5 . Take fresh coffee every afternoon ( huge missed it) .

6 . Staying on the couch watching cartoons ( miss that huge 2 ) .

7 . Learning to use the camera of my mother ( who is half mine and half of my sister ) .

8 . Walking alone during the day. Knowing places in SP do not know or have not thoroughly enjoyed .

9.Ir to midafternoon parks S2

10 . Go to a park with my nephew S2

11 . Meet somewhere new in Sao Paulo .

12 . Take a walk at night.

13 . Go on some exhibitions / shows that are happening in the city and / or cultural programs free .

14 . Organize my paperwork from my folder of bills and drawers .

15 . Arrange the wardrobe and shoe ( take what I no longer use , including clothing , shoes, gift boxes , etc. ) .

16 . Do walk 3 times a week .

17 . Make moisturizing hair every week (work + college left no time for these things ) .

18 . Find the friends I made in Leader Training . S2

19 . Find some friends who have not seen for a while .

20 . Enjoy what I'm at home and eat more fruits and natural juices that my mother loves doing .

21. Weight loss 3kg ( super realistic goal , right . ) .

22. Do the course and carry proof Adwords to decertify Google .

23. Visit Lorraine , newborn of my friend who has completed 2 months and I have not met S2

24 . At the end of the month to buy clothes social , after all my clothes are all loose and the end of November I hope to be a little thinner and longer and will be officially effective advertising huh : D

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